How to get rid of mothball smells.
Get rid of mothball smell in attic.
How to remove bats from attic.
Put out a bowl of vinegar or coffee grounds to help absorb the odor.
From your house getting the mothball smell out of a room or closet is a little more difficult than clothing although the solutions themselves are simple.
Not only does this method get rid of the odor it will make the furnishings nice and clean.
To get them out identify their entry and exit points making sure not to seal them while the bats are inside.
Going to have to get rid of carpet going upstairs and that will help too.
Had owner get rid of them and that helped but not much.
Read on for a few strategies for.
The mothball smell stays in your home for months or years after dissipating.
Naphthalene mothballs can take many months for the odor to go away while p dcb usually evaporates away within a month.
Killing bed bugs fleas and other small pests.
Mothball odor eliminator options include activated charcoal which comes in pellets and coffee grounds.
To get rid of the smell of mothballs in your clothes wash them by hand in a 1 1 white vinegar water mixture or in your washer using vinegar instead of detergent.
What s really helping me is small bowls of white vinegar all over the house.
I m doubtful that sun and fresh air alone will suffice.
For mothball odor in your closest or any other room put out a bowl of vinegar or coffee grounds to absorb the odor.
You may need to toss the materials and put fresh material in the space to completely get rid of the smell.
Alternatively buy activated charcoal from a pet or department store and put a bowl of that in the space that smells.
Put a container of the odor absorbing substance in the area until the smell is completely gone.
While airing the musty items out helps dissipate the scent a little diy know how and some dedicated effort can help get rid of the mothball smell more quickly.
Killing them is both inhumane and will create an unlivable environment due to the smell of a colony of decaying bats.
Often the smell of mothballs never truly ever go away.
It can be an extremely difficult time consuming process to get the mothball smell out of your house.
I m still monitoring a more than 100 year old wood chest that at one time stored items along with mothballs it still has a mothball odor despite cleaning and airing.
Charcoal will soak up odors as well and help remove the moth ball smell.
Helps get rid of cigarette odors also.